Works for orchestra
Musik zu drei Bildern von W. Kandinsky 1990 (orchestra)
Nocturne 1991 (b-cl, cb-cl & strings)
Piano Concerto 1993
The Elements 1993 (orchestra)
Impromptu & Allegro 1994 (orchestra)
Michelangelo 1994 (for strings)
Symphony for Strings 1995
Kaleidoscope for Violin & Orchestra 1996
Impressionistic Scetches 1997 (for small orchestra)
(based on paintings of Camille Pissarro)
Symphony "to the end of the 20th century" 1998 (orchestra)
South Pacific 2001 (seascapes for strings & harp)
Scenic Dances 2002 (for strings)
Aotearoa Symphony 2003 (orchestra)
On the Edge of the World 2003 (for chamber orchestra)
Seasons 2006 (fl, as, vib & strings)
Hymne 2010 (strings)
-commissioned by Bosch
Mantra 2013 (for strings)
Between Heaven and the Sea 2016 (for strings & harp)
Romance 2017 (for strings & harp)

Excerpt from MORNING CHANT OF A KOKAKO for orchestra
Chamber music

Polyphonie für zwei Blasinstrumente 1984 (tp/as)
Oktett 1992 (ob, e-h, cl, b-cl, 2 bssn, 2 hn)
Drei Preludes für Flöte & Harfe 1993
-commissioned by "Freunde der Jugendmusikschule Biberach e.V."
The Characteristics of Water 1993 (fl/a-fl, ob, vl, vla, vlc, harp)
-commissioned by Ensemble Pyramide, Switzerland
Nocturne for Clarinet (Oboe) & Guitar 1994
Quintett für Blechbläser 1994
Lyrische Stücke für Trompete/Flügelhorn & Klavier 1995
Structures for Bass-clarinet 1995
Drei Welten 1995 (a-fl, b-cl & harp)
The Garden of Crystal 1995 (fl, cl, vib, harp, piano)
DNA 1995 (fl/a-fl, vib/marimba, harp, piano)
Turquoise 1995 (fl & harp)
Impressionen für Oboe und Gitarre 1996
-commissioned by Duo Concertante, Cologne
Drums of the Night 1997 (for Asian drum ensemble)
Prelude to a Comic 1998
(fl/a-fl, ob/e.h., cl/b-cl/as, harp, piano/organ, perc./mallets & string quartet)
Japanische Landschaften 1998
(fl/a-fl/b-fl, ob/e.h., cl/b-cl, harp), piano, percussion/mallets)
Stained Glass Windows 1998 (choir & organ)
(based on glass paintings of Marc Chagall)
Tree 1999 (b-cl & piano)
Fishes & Birds 2001 (fl or vl, cl & piano)
-Philip Neill Memorial Prize in Music 2002 of the University of Otago, New Zealand
Ferns 2002 (a-fl, b-cl, vl, vla, vlc)
Wildflower 2002 (vl & piano)
Wind 2002 (fl, cl, vl, vla, vlc)
River 2002 (fl, cl/b-cl, piano & string quartet)
-Douglas Lilburn Prize competition award 2002 from The University of Auckland
Stones 2003 (vla, vlc, b-cl & piano)
Seasons 2002 (string quartet)
Can we talk about it? 2004 (a comedy for piccolo, tuba & harpsichord)
Tango 2005 (fl & harp)
Prelude sur le nome de Claude Debussy 2006 (cl & piano)
Saxociety 2007 (saxophone quartet)
Capriccio 2008 (woodwind quintet)
Adagio Libero 2008 (brass quintet)
Fanfare 2010 (3 tp, 4 hn, 3 tb, tuba & timpani)
-commissioned by Bosch
Dedications 2015 (organ)
Japanese Piano Trio 2015 (vl, vlc & piano)
Episodes 2016 (, 5 tp, 2 flgh, b-tp & perc.)
-commissioned by Trompetenensemble der Musikhochschule Trossingen
Sarabande Antique 2016 (harp)